Parish Work Day
Our first official workday was Saturday, March 26 from 8-2. A big thank you to everyone who came out and helped!
Read MoreWednesday Zoom Bible Study
We will be studying Luke and using the N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides, (new on Amazon for $9.49). If you would like to join us or have any questions, contact the Church Office, Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Read MoreJoin the Book Discussion Group
Book Discussion Group: Tattoos on the HeartThursday at Noon in-person and Thursday at 6 pm via Zoom. Copies are available in the church, and discussions will focus on the subtitle for the book: The Power of Boundless Compassion. The in person portion of the Book Study meets Thursdays at noon. The online section meets via ZOOM…
Read MoreCTLC Food Drive
This quarter CTLC food drive will focus on pantry staples….specifically, anything edible that comes in a can – Veggies or beans, canned peaches or ham, this time we need to bring all that we can! Can openers will also be collected….just to be sure we can open those cans. Let’s see if we can beat…
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